Consider mushrooms more than just pizza toppings as you might think they are quite interesting. Mushrooms have been a favorite of many because they can be prepared in so many different ways and have significant benefits for our health.

Mushrooms give meals a good taste without making them fatty, calorific or salty. Mushroom studies are ongoing as they reveal how they help in prevention various chronic diseases and in maintaining everyday health. Find below 5 health benefits of mushrooms.

Mushrooms in wooden bowl
Image Credit: Freepik

What Are Mushrooms, Are They Plants?

Mushrooms should be regarded as fungus despite being considered by some as vegetables. Mushrooms are to fungi as fruits are to plants (everyday language). Instead of seeds, the fungus releases Minus One Million microscopic spores from which under the cap grow mushrooms with millions of germinating points.

Mushrooms arise on the ground, or below ground level such as bushes. Also they can be found sprouting from other living things like rotten tree trunks.

Mushrooms are also largely regarded for their incredible health benefits. With essential vitamins and minerals in abundance, mushrooms are a perfect supplement to a diet and add incredible flavor to numerous recipes.

5 Health Benefits of Mushroom

1. Boost’s immune system

There are a couple of advantages linked to chronic inflammation (persistent swelling), these include: heart diseases and various forms of cancers among others. Mushrooms are in possession of certain antioxidants responsible for shielding your body from tension thus curbing cell destruction.

Some studies have suggested that eating more mushrooms could be associated to lower risks of cancer, predominantly of the breast. Mushrooms do not only protect against infections and diseases but they also stimulate the immune system that might in turn prevent tumor growth.

2. Promotes a healthy gut

The variety of organisms and bacteria, which are harbored in your intestine ensure that the microbiome you have got has a significant outcome on overall healthiness and emotions. Enhancing growth of “good” bacteria in it can be achieved by doing this so that you can maintain a healthy intestine. Mushrooms are examples of prebiotics to be added into your diet.

Studies have shown that mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides, which are the most abundant carbohydrate, and they stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria very effectively. Unlike many other foods that are digested by stomach acid, mushrooms’ polysaccharides go undamaged through the stomach into the colon. As a result, they can trigger the growth of bacteria in the colon, which is essential for a healthy gut.

3. Supports brain health

A study done in Singapore found that mushrooms may have a beneficial role in preventing cognitive decline, a transition between normal age-related cognitive decline and dementia.

According to the research, individuals who consumed the mushrooms more frequently than not were at lesser probability to develop cognitive decline,” said the investigation, which included 663 subjects aged 60 years old or older. It also said mushrooms might help slow down brain aging by helping keep your mind sharp for longer periods even as you get older.

Sliced Mushroom Pieces
Image Credit: Freepik

4. Weight management

Research done on these fungi in the long as well as short run shows that they can be very useful in reducing of body weight when taken alongside physical activity or other necessary life changes.

Mushrooms are believed to contain certain oxidants which will lead to an increased immunity of the body cells hence enhancing their anti-inflammatory properties while at the same time averting hypertension occasioned by obesity.

5. Source of vitamin D

Mushrooms provide vitamin D, whether exposed to sunlight during growth or under an ultraviolet (UV) lamp. For example, at home, one may put mushrooms on a kitchen cabinet for 15-120 minutes for them to increase their vitamin D content because it is believed this approach leads to approximately 10 mcg/100g fresh weight of vitamin D2.

Also Read: Benefits Of Cooking In Clay Pots: A Dietitian’s Insight

How to Include Mushrooms Into Your Diet

Mushrooms have many uses. They can be cooked in diverse ways and combined with a variety of products. Slice into salad freshly, grill, sauté, or roast slices of raw button mushrooms. You may also want to combine sliced white button mushrooms into soups, sandwiches, wraps, casseroles, or Italian meals.

Mushrooms can be used on their own as well as accompaniment for other foods. Because of the similarity with meat taste some of them are fake desired names such as “steaks” or “burgers”.

My Final Words

Mushrooms are highly recommended because of their high nutritional value. Mushrooms contain nutrients that are beneficial to the body such as antioxidants and other compounds that significantly improve one’s health condition. Irrespective of whether you love eating meat or are vegetarian these foods will work for you when it comes to enhancing your diet’s nutritional value through them.

Disclaimer: While mushrooms offer numerous health benefits, it’s important to eat them cooked to avoid any potential toxins and to ensure their nutrients are fully available to your body. Also, if you’re foraging wild mushrooms, extreme caution is advised as some varieties are toxic.

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