As summer approaches, the question I get asked a lot is what is the best summer drink. It’s natural that you try cold drinks to quench your summer thirst. Some people drink cold drinks which are prepared by companies, while others prefer to drink our desi drink, coconut water. So, let’s see in this post what are the health benefits of drinking coconut water.

Benefits Of Coconut Water
Image Credit: Freepik

7 Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water

1. Nature’s Hydration

The primary thing is being adequately hydrated during summer as a priority. Increased temperatures together with high levels of moisture lead to quick loss of moisture which makes one to be afraid of dehydration.

Coconut water is an excellent hydrator because it contains 94% of pure water. This drink is naturally isotonic and can rehydrate you the way standard sports drinks do but without their artificial flavors and added sugars.

2. Packed with Nutrients

Though commonly used as a rehydrating solution, coconut water has much more to itself, good nutritionally. Five essential electrolytes including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium as well as phosphorus can be found in it. This particular assortment makes it ideally suited for rehydration following any physical activity session or after spending too much time under the sun. (Source)

A glassful of coconut water for instance has more potassium than a banana which assists with muscle contraction thereby preventing cramps.

3. Low in Calories

Coconut water makes the perfect choice if you’re watching your calorie intake. It may not have a lot of calories in it but this is what makes it great when you think about how sugary beverages and sodas are notorious for adding pounds. Besides, its sweet, nutty flavor helps you crave for something refreshing without feeling bad about yourself.

4. Boosts Heart Health

Coconut water has a positive effect on the heart. It has potassium and magnesium, which help to keep the blood pressure at a healthy level. The heart healthy properties of this drink are shown by studies which have shown that continued consumption will significantly reduce hypertension induced high blood pressure.

Boosts Heart Health
Image credit: Freepik

5. Enhancing Digestive Health

Do you suffer from digestive issues during the summer? Coconut water may just be what you need. It is rich in magnesium which aids in muscle relaxation such as those found within the digestive tract for better digestion pathways, while it also helps prevent constipation by making movements softer as a result of its ability to absorb water molecules into itself.

6. Kidney Stone Prevention

To prevent kidney stones, you have to consume enough water.” The formation of crystals and stones in the urine is reduced by coconut water, which besides hydrating the body properly. In helping persons prone to kidney stones there seems to be some hope based on preliminary results, though more study is required before conclusions can be drawn.

7. Antioxidant Properties

The conflict between unstable molecules which can harm your cells and the antioxidants in coconut water that battle them never ends. Hence, taking coconut water may assist minimize oxidative stress and inflammation within one’s system by neutralizing such detrimental agents.

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Final Words

Coconut water is an especially enjoyable drink in the summer that is tasty and good for you. However, too much of this could be harmful, particularly for people watching their potassium intake because of kidney problems. In addition, remember to look for only original form which has not been sweetened in order to enjoy better health benefits.

Don’t know whether you should drink coconut milk, think no more about it. This drink possesses numerous advantages and is beneficial after physical exercises, during a hot sunny day or when feeling thirsty. Next time in such a situation you should definitely consider quenching your thirst with cold coconut water.

[Please note: The above is generic advice, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions.]

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