Tomato juice is a popular drink which includes many vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. Lycopene is one of its powerful antioxidants and this is why it’s so good for you. Through drinking one glass every day you can meet your need of most vitamins and minerals required daily. Please read below to know some amazing health benefits of drinking tomato juice.

Health Benefits Of Drinking Tomato Juice
Image Credit: Freepik

Tomato Juice Nutritional Value

According to MedicineNet, 100g tomato juice contains the following nutrients:

  • Water: 93 grams
  • Calories: 17
  • Sugars: 3 grams
  • Calcium: 10 mg
  • Sodium: 10 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 4 grams
  • Fat: 5 grams
  • Magnesium: 11 mg
  • Lycopene: 9,037 mcg
  • Copper: 6 mg
  • Potassium: 229 mg

Should You Drink Tomato Juice?

Tomato juice is a healthy drink for many people, especially elderly people who are chain smokers because it contains high vitamin C content, which is essential for such people. Elderly people who cannot get enough food can rely on tomato juice as their sole source of nutrition, as it is easy to drink. Eating healthy can be done by replacing sugary drinks with tomato juice.

Health Benefits of Tomato Juice

1. Good For Digestion

Regular consumption of tomato juice is believed to be beneficial for both the heart and the stomach. Specifically, it helps with constipation by acting as a purgative. Moreover, it leads to a better combination of healthy germs in the gut.

In 100 grams (2/3 cup) of tomato juice, there are approximately 0.4 g of dietary fiber, which serve as a substrate for beneficial gut microbes hence affecting the gut health. Besides, it causes the stool to swell and this jump starts the digestive process.

2. Good For Heart Health

A study in Japan found that drinking tomato juice can help lower blood pressure. Around 500 people between the ages of 20 and 74 took part in the study. They had a thorough heart check before starting the study. Participants could choose how much tomato juice to drink, but they had to keep a record.

After one year of drinking tomato juice, 20% of the participants saw a significant drop in their blood pressure. On average, the top number (systolic) went from 142.2 mmHg to about 137 mmHg, and the bottom number (diastolic) went from 83.3 mmHg to 80.9 mmHg. This suggests that having a glass of tomato juice daily may be beneficial for blood pressure.

3. Protects From Prostate Cancer

Studies show that consuming tomatoes which are rich in lycopene may reduce the chances of getting cancer in some ways including digestive and pancreas. Taking tomato juice having lycopene’s contains ingredients that fight off any cell division thus preventing tumor growths or development while cutting down chances for getting prostate cancer by about 10% through other ways too.

4. Cancer Prevention

Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that may prevent cancer by fighting destructive free radicals in the body. However, some of these free radicals are produced as a result of metabolism abundance leads to increased levels of oxidative stress which could be detrimental.

5. Helps To Lose Weight

Drinking tomato juice helps in reducing our body fat, waist size and overall weight. Tomatoes are high in fiber, especially insoluble fiber. This fiber keeps us full for longer and prevents us from overeating. Tomato juice is also low in calories, with only 25 calories in one medium-sized tomato. Due to all these reasons, tomato juice helps in reducing body weight.

6. Good For Skin Health

It is surprising that tomato juice can supports skin health. It has vitamin C that is full of antioxidants are an anti-inflammatory astringent nature, tightening skin pores. A tomato juice plays a sun protection role considering lycopene that enhances defense mechanisms against ultraviolet rays on the skin. Sunscreen is necessary however its benefit is more when taken by mouth other than applying it on the skin.

Potential Side Effects

Although tomato juice is generally safe and beneficial, it can give us some potential side effects. And they are;

  • Some people may experience digestive problems like acid reflux or heartburn due to the acidity of tomatoes.
  • Some people have tomato allergies or sensitivities and such individuals may experience allergic reactions including itching, rash or swelling after drinking tomato juice.
  • Excessive consumption of tomato juice can cause an increase in potassium levels and this can be a problem for people with kidney problems.

So use tomato juice in moderation and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or underlying medical conditions.

Also Read: 6 Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Coffee

Final Words

Adding tomato juice to your daily life can benefit you in several ways. It is a flexible and wholesome drink, providing such advantages as good cardio strength, enhancing immunity, improving skin condition and helping lose weight. Remember to choose fresh and organic tomatoes for juicing to maximize the health benefits.

[Please note: The above is generic advice, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions.]

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