Discover the potential benefits of incorporating rice water into your weight loss journey. This drink is not only low in calories but also supports healthy digestion.

Rice Water For Weight Loss
Image Credit: Freepik

Rice water is the starchy water that remains after cooking rice, and it is packed with nutrients. Don’t dismiss this common kitchen leftover, which can help with weight loss in a healthy and sustainable manner. In this article, we’ll explore 4 ways in which rice water can aid in weight loss.

What is Rice Water?

Rice water is the starchy liquid that remains after boiling rice. It can be drained and consumed separately. This water contains not only starch but also a range of beneficial nutrients for our bodies. It is a good source of vitamin E, magnesium, fiber, zinc, and manganese. Additionally, it provides healthy carbohydrates to fuel your body with the energy it needs to tackle the day.

Benefits of Drinking Rice Water

Rice water offers numerous benefits for our bodies. Studies have shown that rice water, which is often considered a byproduct of rice preparation, has useful properties. It can be used as a medicine and is a healthy, easy-to-digest drink for people suffering from diarrhoea.

Additionally, rice water has been shown to improve skin health, resulting in fair, smooth, and even-toned skin. For hair care, it can protect against dandruff and other issues. Overall, rice water is a versatile and beneficial substance for maintaining good health.


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Rice Water For Weight Loss

Incorporating rice water into your weight loss journey can be an excellent strategy to shed those extra kilos. Let me explain why this option is so beneficial:

1. Helps in better digestion

According to a study, rice water contains starch that can help alleviate digestive problems. This starch also aids in reducing fat buildup and promoting fat metabolism. When we prioritize improving our digestion, our bodies can better absorb the nutrients from the food we eat. This not only supports weight loss but also contributes to overall health and well-being.

2. Low in calories

If you’re searching for a healthy and low-calorie drink to support your weight-loss journey, consider rice water. It’s a great alternative to sugary drinks or artificial sweeteners that can have unwanted effects.

The calorie content of rice water varies depending on factors like the type of rice used, whether it was boiled, and the duration of boiling. On average, 100 ml of rice water contains approximately 40-50 calories, assuming no additional sugar is added.

3. Keeps you full

Including a glass of rice water between your meals can contribute to feeling fuller for a longer period. This can help prevent unnecessary snacking on unhealthy foods. Additionally, rice water contains a beneficial amount of carbohydrates, providing you with the energy boost you need while on your weight loss journey.

4. May improve gut health

Taking steps to improve the health of your gut can greatly support your weight-loss goals. Research indicates that fermented rice water containing probiotics can have positive effects on our digestive system. It provides beneficial enzymes and bacteria to our intestinal flora, promoting a healthy gut microbiome. This, in turn, can strengthen our immune system and potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

How To Make Rice Water

To make rice water, follow these steps:

  1. Rinse the rice: Take half a cup of rice and rinse it thoroughly with water to remove any impurities.
  2. Soak the rice: Place the rinsed rice in a bowl and add two cups of water. Let it soak for about 30 minutes to an hour.
  3. Stir and strain: After soaking, stir the rice vigorously to release the starch into the water. Then, strain the rice, collecting the rice water in a separate container.
  4. Optional: You can repeat the soaking and stirring process with the same rice to extract more starch and create a thicker rice water consistency.
  5. Store and use: Once you have strained the rice water, you can store it in a clean container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Use it as desired for drinking, cooking, or for skincare purposes.

Are There Side Effects of Drinking Rice Water?

Drinking rice water is generally safe and does not have any significant side effects. However, it is important to note that individual reactions may vary. Some people may experience mild bloating or gas due to the high starch content in rice water.

Additionally, if rice water is not prepared and stored properly, it can spoil and lead to bacterial growth, causing digestive discomfort. To avoid any potential issues, it is advisable to make fresh rice water and store it in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days.

As with any dietary change, it is always a good idea to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or pre-existing conditions.

Final Words

If you are trying to lose weight, drinking rice water can be a helpful addition to your diet. It’s a healthy and low-calorie drink that provides many benefits, including boosting your immune system and aiding digestion. However, it’s important to drink rice water in moderation because too much can cause constipation, gas, and bloating.

[Please note: The above is generic advice, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions.]

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