Jackfruit is a typical South Indian fruit and is gaining popularity worldwide as a meat substitute these days. The fruit has a green leathery prickly skin with yellow pulp inside. Some eat jackfruit for its taste and some choose this fruit as a meat substitute. Many food companies are selling jackfruit as an alternative food to various types of meat.

Jackfruit For Diabetes
Image Credit: Pexels

However, because jackfruit is high in natural sugar, it can affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. So people with diabetes should be careful while including this fruit in their diet. In this article, the nutritional content of jackfruit, how it affects blood sugar levels and whether or not it is a good choice for people with diabetes are discussed.

Jackfruit Nutrition Facts

Jackfruit is high in natural sugars and also contains vitamins and antioxidants. According to FoodData Central, 150 grams of jackfruit contains the following amounts of nutrients:

  • Calories: 143
  • Protein: 3 grams
  • Carbs: 35 grams
  • Fat: 1 gram
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Total Sugars: 28-29 grams
  • Vitamin B6: 29% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 23% of the DV

6 Health Benefits of Jackfruit for Diabetes

1. Low Glycemic Index (GI)

The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. According to PubMed research, Low GI foods are ideal for managing diabetes because they cause a slower, more gradual rise in blood glucose. Jackfruit has a moderate to low GI, meaning it is an ideal fruit choice for people with diabetes when consumed in appropriate portions.

2. Supports Immune Health

People with diabetes often have a weakened immune system and because of this weakness they are more susceptible to infections. Jackfruit is high in Vitamin C, which boosts immunity and increases the body’s ability to fight infections.

3. Regulates Blood Pressure

Jackfruit has potassium, which is found in it and is also important when it comes to controlling the pressure of the blood. According to some research, Potassium is also vital to have a good blood pressure for general well-being as hypertension is prevalent among diabetics.

This mineral plays a significant role in managing hypertension by offsetting high levels of sodium leading to normal rates in normal subjects hence being used to control sugar levels especially by those who are sensitive to it.

4. Antioxidant Properties

Jackfruit contains antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids that help fight oxidative stress. Oxidative stress worsens complications associated with diabetes. Antioxidants present in jackfruit help to eliminate free radicals hence lowering the risks of diabetes related issues.

5. Anti-inflammatory Effects

Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes can be developed as a result of chronic inflammation. Jackfruit’s natural compounds exhibit anti-inflammatory actions which may alleviate inflammation and enhance insulin sensitivity.

6. Rich in Fiber

It is important to manage blood sugar levels by adding dietary fiber in our diets. Blood sugar tends to peak whenever there is an increase in sugar absorption rates but this is usually prevented by fiber. Jack fruit is a rich source of dietary fiber content which will help you maintain normal blood sugar content.

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4 Ways to Add Jackfruit into a diabetes Diet Plan

Including jackfruit in a diabetes diet plan is a delicious and nutritious option. Here are some ways to include jackfruit in your meals:

  1. Jackfruit Curries: In curry dishes, use jackfruit as a substitute for meat. Because of how it easily takes on different flavors, as well as being tender, this fruit is also quite good when added into spicy and flavorful curry recipes.
  2. Jackfruit Tacos or Wraps: To create a delicious and tasty filling for tacos or wraps, shred jackfruit and season it with your favorite spices. A satisfying and healthy meal can be formed by adding some fresh vegetables and a low-sugar sauce.
  3. Jackfruit Salads: Try putting jackfruit into your salads for a unique twist. It goes well with greens as well as nuts when dressed lightly. But be careful of the portion size and the overall carbohydrate content of the salad.
  4. Jackfruit Smoothies: Use jackfruit to blend low sugar fruits such as berries, spinach and almond milk in a fiber rich smoothie that is refreshing. This smoothie can thus make a great breakfast or snack.

Final Words

Adding jackfruit to your diet can bring a lot of health benefits to the diabetes patients. Its low glycemic index, high fiber content, and numerous vital nutrients are the reasons as to why it is important for a diabetes patient to include them in their diet.

It is important to ensure ideal management of a diabetic situation by portion control and managing blood sugars. However, consult with a healthcare professional or a dietitian for personalized advice on adding jackfruit into your specific meal plan.

[Please note: The above is generic advice, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions.]

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