Do you feel sleepy after lunch? If yes, then don’t worry, many people like you fall asleep after lunch. Some call it the post lunch slump or afternoon crash. Even though it can be annoying and affect productivity, there are scientific reasons behind it. This article will explain the causes of post lunch sleepiness and provide tips on how to avoid it.

Sleepy After Lunch
Image Credit: Freepik

5 Reasons For Tired After Lunch

Here are 5 reasons why you may feel sleepy after your lunch:

1. The Digestion Process

When you eat a meal, particularly a big one, our body requires much energy for digesting the food. It also implies that more blood flows to our digestive system and it may lead to feeling tired or drowsy. Moreover your body is occupied with breaking the food down and absorbing nutrients. So it may leave you less alert and having less energy momentarily.

2. Carbohydrates and Insulin Response

The kind of food we eat for lunch can also make us feel sleepy afterwards. High carbohydrate meals that contain large amounts of processed sugar and simple sugar increase blood glucose levels rapidly. Our body secretes insulin in order to regulate blood sugar resulting in a reduction of energy hence stimulating sleep.

3. Serotonin Release

Lunch sleepiness is related to serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and sleep. According to Boston University, Consuming food high in carbohydrates causes the brain to release serotonin, making you calm or tired. Therefore, you might find yourself indulging in comfort foods or sugary snacks after a meal, which are known to decrease alertness for a while.

4. Circadian Rhythm

Circadian rhythm, our body’s internal clock, has an impact on energy levels as well as the sleep patterns we have in a day or night session. People experience decreased alertness and low energy levels during the afternoon partly due to this circadian rhythm. Therefore, feelings of drowsiness are common following diurnal lunch break which is accompanied by digestion processes that utilize some carbohydrates.

5. Lack of Sleep

When you miss sleep on regular basis, you will feel more tired naturally in the day particularly after lunch break because your body easily becomes exhausted. Consistent sleep deprivation interferes with the body’s capacity for producing energy normally thus making it challenging to be awake and attentive.

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Tips to Avoid Sleepiness After Lunch

  • Choose a Balanced Lunch: Choose a well-balanced meal that includes lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. This helps in providing sustained energy throughout the day and prevents rapid blood sugar spikes.
  • Stay Hydrated: Feeling tired can be made worse by dehydration. To keep hydrated and maintain highest possible alertness throughout the day, ensure you drink just enough water.
  • Get Some Fresh Air and Natural Light: Taking a short walk outside or spending time in natural light can help combat sleepiness and boost alertness.
  • Practice Mindful Eating: Slow down and enjoy your lunch mindfully. This can promote better digestion and prevent overeating, which can contribute to post lunch sleepiness.
  • Get a Power Nap: If possible, take a short power nap of 15-20 minutes after lunch. This can help rejuvenate the body and improve alertness.
  • Engage in Light Physical Activity: Include light physical activity after meals, such as stretching or gentle exercises. It increases blood flow and promotes wakefulness.

Final Words

It is normal to feel sleepy after lunch and there are scientific explanations for this. Afternoon sleepiness is often caused by various factors such as digestion, type and amount of carbohydrates consumed, sleep deprivation, and one’s body clock.

But if you know about these things, you can do something about it. For example, you can eat a balanced lunch, drink enough water, eat mindfully, and even take a short nap to feel better. These simple strategies can help you feel more awake and productive throughout the day.

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