Sipping water from a clay pot, also called matka is an old age tradition followed in Indian households. The practice is common across many civilizations for its numerous health advantages. Clay pots are a straightforward but useful approach to enhancing general life quality.

Clay pots kept water cool naturally so that it tastes better and stayed healthier to drink from. These were the best for drinking out of long ago as elders would say. For as much as they might look a little bit outdated, they have quite many advantages related to one’s wellbeing and health. Here are 5 health benefits of drinking water from clay pot.

Water filled clay pots in metal stand
Image Credit: Hindustan Times

1. Alkaline Goodness

Naturally alkaline clay implies that clay pot stored water assist you in maintaining your body pH levels. Given increased highly acidic diets thanks to processed foods, your health can benefit from moving slightly towards alkalinity, which is like drinking a glass of cool water when one is thirsty. Alkaline water helps fight acidity that helps decrease stomach issues and enhances digestion.

2. Natural Cooling Properties

Based on the weather, water placed in a clay pot may be chilled by its self which is a favorable thing whenever one is thirsty. It does not freeze the water, just reduces its temperature to something bearable and even desirable.

The water remains at a temperature that is not too cold to shock your system, nor is it warm enough to be unrefreshing, thanks to this natural process of evaporation which occurs. This can be of special benefit to your throat and help you avoid contracting a cold from the regular consumption of cold water from the fridge.

3. Enriches Water with Minerals

Clay has many minerals and clay pots water retains these minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sulfur, which are all important components for keeping a healthy body. This mild enhancement helps one have an equalized diet meaning each droplet of water drank equals nurturing one’s own whole self.

4. Gentle on the Throat and Gastrointestinal System

The throat is a lot kinder on water from pots made out of clay. It is possible for someone looking to soothe their stomach or conditions such as heartburn, to have a better time when drinking this water than the other type because of its natural cooling properties and its softness.

5. Promotes Metabolism and Weight Loss

Drinking water from a clay pot cools your metabolism. This mild cold causes human bodies to do more work to heat the water, thus burning some extra calories. Moreover, such water contains additional minerals that are useful for improving digestion. So it helps individuals who want to lose weight or increase their metabolic rate.

Also Read: Benefits Of Cooking In Clay Pots: A Dietitian’s Insight

Final Words

Drinking water from a clay pot can seem like a small change but it’s one that reintroduces our bodies to the rhythms of nature. In a world where we’re constantly searching for the next best thing to improve our health, it’s wonderfully refreshing to find profound benefits in something as simple and as old as a clay pot.

[Please note: The above is generic advice, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions.]

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