Walnuts are believed to be brain food because they look like a brain with all the folds, which is funny but eating them is scientifically proven to increase brain activity. Including them in your diet is beyond imagination as they are highly nutritious.

Benefits Of Eating Walnuts
Image Credit: Freepik

Walnuts contain important nutrients and healthy fats which means they are an important contributor. They can actually improve heart health, gut health, blood pressure stability and male fertility. Also, this nutritional powerhouse protects you from age related cognitive decline and limits the proliferation of malignant cells in your body.

Walnut Nutrition Facts

As indicated by WebMD, 1 serving of English walnuts (i.e. 1 oz. or approximately 7 nuts) has:

  • 185 calories
  • 4.3 grams of protein
  • 1.9 grams of fiber
  • 2.5 grams of monounsaturated fat
  • 1.7 grams of saturated fat
  • 0.7 grams of sugar
  • 3.9 grams of carbohydrates

Here Are The 8 Benefits of Walnuts

According to a study conducted by NCBI, walnuts are loaded with many nutrients and eating them in proper amounts can provide the following health benefits.

1. Rich Source of Antioxidants

Walnuts are exceptionally rich in antioxidants, substances that can help fight oxidative stress and inflammation, which are the roots of many chronic diseases. They contain a high amount of polyphenols, a group of antioxidants that help neutralize harmful free radicals. Including walnuts in your diet can be a delicious way to combat oxidative stress and keep your body functioning smoothly.

2. Heart Healthy Fats

Walnuts harbor good fats with the active ingredient, alpha linolenic acid (ALA), a plant based omega-3 fatty acid which is believed to confer a number of heart health benefits although nuts are perceived to be fattening. This element assists in elevation of cholesterol levels and ensures cardiovascular safety.

3. Boosts Brain Health

Walnuts have become synonymous with cognitive health and for a good reason. The minerals omega-3 fatty acids, polyphenols, and vitamin E that they offer relate to improved brain function. They boost memory recall; thinking ability plus minimizes the odds of Alzheimer’s disease and other old age-related conditions.

4. Weight Management

Adding walnuts to your diet can also assist with weight management. Although they are energy dense, the fiber and protein in walnuts can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing hunger and the likelihood of overeating. Moreover, studies have shown that the body does not absorb all of the calories in walnuts, making them a great snack for those monitoring their weight.

Walnuts for weight loss
Image Credit: Freepik

5. Supports Healthy Aging

It is important for one to maintain good health as they grow older because it becomes even more crucial with age. Healthy aging and a long life are promoted through decreased inflammation as well as oxidative damage which are caused by the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants found in walnuts that also help in heart and brain health provision.

6. Good for Gut Health

A strong immune system, effective digestion, and even a good mood arise from the presence of a healthy gut. The grain present in walnuts could, just like prebiotics, act as a source of food for friendly intestinal bacteria, after which these bacteria then produce short-chain fatty acids that are important in digestion prevention.

7. Improves Blood Fats

Walnuts stand out from a host of nutraceuticals because they have been shown to alter fat distribution patterns in the blood in a positive way, particularly with regard to increased levels of good HDL cholesterol and decreased amounts of the bad LDL cholesterol. Their efficacy is mainly driven by the presence of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, polyphenols, and a clutch of other heart-friendly nutrients.

8. Lower Risk of Diabetes

Studies have shown that walnuts and walnut oil have high antioxidant levels which can help in lowering the levels of sugar in blood hence reducing chances of a person getting diabetes, they may also have some anti-inflammatory effects on them as well.

Inflammation occurs when our body faces stressors or infections naturally form defense mechanisms against them using their hormones called cortisol’s among others which increase sugar levels from insulin resistance where our bodies refuse to accept sugars blocked by it resulting subsequently leads us getting fat or diabetes.

How To Eat Walnuts

Walnuts offer a versatile and delightful way to enjoy them. If you choose to eat them in isolation or offer a delicious crunch to food like yogurt, stir fry vegetables or even ice cream, you can use them as an option. Choose for yourself unsalted raw walnuts are best because it does not contain many fats as compared to those cooked using oil hence healthy to our hearts.

If you have black walnuts available, they can easily replace English walnuts in a recipe. Be prepared for a pleasant surprise, because black walnuts have a more intense and distinct taste.

Also Read: Health Benefits Of Mushrooms: Are They Good For You?

Avoid Too Many Walnuts

Many are the health benefits of consuming walnuts, but a small warning is raised by health professionals, “All nuts including walnuts have high caloric content, if you desire to maintain or lose extra kilos, watch the serving sizes you take and at once limit yourself to one time a day or, if you can, several times within a week”.

Final Words

There are numerous advantages of including walnuts in your diet on a daily basis. Ranging from better heart and health and improved brain function to weight control and better digestion system, they are a good natural way of boosting your general wellbeing.

Remember, walnuts are very good for the health, But they are part of the 8 most common allergenic foods, Individuals that are allergic to walnuts should shun them.

[Please note: The above is generic advice, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions.]

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