Period pain sometimes can be a nightmare for many women’s. It can be accompanied by other symptoms that are generally unpleasant such as stomach cramps. Cramps are normally painful and can interfere greatly with your daily programs.

7 Best Foods For Relieving Period Pain
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There are different remedies and medications you can use to relieve yourself from painful periods easily. However, including certain types of food in your meals can help minimize discomfort associated with menstrual cycles. Below are some ideas on which foods you can try out while easing menstrual pains.

7 Best Foods To Eat During Your Period

According to several studies, there are foods that could reduce the severity of strong pain resulting from menstrual pain cramps, “Eating foods that help reduce inflammation may help ease the pain of menstrual cramps.”

However, we need to do more research to understand better the relationship between food and menstrual pain. But because these foods are healthy and therefore support balanced nutrition, it might be good to try them.

1. Leafy Green Vegetables

Vegetables like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are nutrient rich with essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium as well as vitamin B6 that aid in fighting inflammation and muscle contraction besides lowering the severity of menstrual cramps. Consuming significant amount of leafy greens will help relieve menstrual cramps during this difficult period.

2. Ginger

Ginger is popularly used for its medicinal purposes such as pain relief and reduction of inflammation. The research done by National Library of Medicine says, Ginger can be quite helpful when it comes to dealing with period cramps. Ginger will always work towards making you feel better whether you take it as food or supplement; you can also drink ginger tea in order to relax your uterus thereby reducing uneasiness.

3. Fatty Fish

Some studies suggests that during menstruation, you can eat fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, and sardines that are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties such that they assist in relieving cramps and lessening the severity of pain. Moreover, omega-3 fatty acids lead to the general hormonal balance hence improving your menstruation cycle.

4. Turmeric

Curcumin is present in Turmeric which is known for reducing inflammation. This study says, consuming turmeric decreases the production of prostaglandins which cause menstrual pain. Turmeric can be beneficial in fighting periods cramps whether you add it to a smoothie, curry or take as supplement.

5. Dark Chocolate

According to the article of healthline, some studies suggest that dark chocolate can be very helpful with period pains if you eat it in reasonable quantities. Among adolescent girls on their periods, period pain decreased significantly in those who ate 69% dark chocolate worth 40g each day during the first three days after starting their periods, compared to those who consumed chocolate milk – a study found.

6. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds, are rich in important nutrients like magnesium, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids that play a role in relaxing muscles, reducing inflammation and easing menstrual cramps. Taking a few nuts and seeds as a snack or sprinkling them to your dishes will thus do the trick.

7. Herbal Teas

There are some types of herbal teas which are known as chamomile, peppermint and raspberry leaf tea that have been used from ancient time to reduce pain among women during their monthly periods. One makes chamomile tea, peppermint tea helps one get rid of muscle cramps while raspberry leaf tea helps level menstrual flows. These teas are generally warm hence offer comfort when taken slowly. You can check this article to know about the 8 best teas ideas for menstrual cramps.

Foods to Avoid During Your Period Pain

The menstrual cycle can be improved by certain types of food, but do not take too much saturated fats, processed sugar or salt. Studies have shown that such foods could make you have cramps and other diseases which make menstruation hard.

Here are some foods to avoid during your period:

  • Fast food
  • Fried foods
  • Alcohol
  • Sweets
  • Packaged snacks
  • Caffeine

Final Words

For many womens, period cramps can feel uncomfortable. But there are some home remedies for pain relief which tend to work. The pain of period cramps sometimes goes away by exercise, sleep and relaxation.

The foods in this article consist of; leafy greens, ginger, fatty fish, turmeric, dark chocolate, nuts, seeds, and herbal teas, that can be effective in treating inflammation, relaxing muscles as well as easing menstrual cramps.

[Please note: The above is generic advice, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions.]

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