Coffee is a popular drink globally due to its popularity. It helps you start your day in a good mood with energy that enables you to do your work smoothly. But anything good must have some negative aspects towards it. Excessive coffee consumption can cause various side effects and some can be serious.

Coffee usually contains caffeine and this caffeine has the ability to bring many benefits to our body. However, if any one food is added to the human body in excess of the required amount, the side effects outweigh the benefits. Caffeine is no exception, if you consume too much caffeine i.e. coffee, you will face many health problems. Below are those side effects.

Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Coffee
Image Credit: Freepik

Here Are The Side Effects of Coffee

Here are some of the most common side effects of drinking too much coffee:

1. Insomnia

Insomnia is one of the most famous effects by an overdose on coffee. Being a stimulant, caffeine found in coffee can maintain alertness and keep someone awake. The research of PubMed find that if you take lots of it particularly towards evening hours, then it might disrupt sleeping patterns leading to insomnia.

Besides reducing cognitive abilities this condition may as well raise tension in addition to causing susceptibility due to poor sleeping habits induced through caffeine intake.

2. Increased Heart Rate

The consumption of an excessive amount of coffee also has an accompanying symptom of high heart rate. According to the NCBI research, Caffeine helps speed up the heart which could make it overwork leading to increased chances of getting heart-disease and other cardiovascular complications. If one happens to have an ache in their chest, reducing coffee might be of greater essence, particularly for those with heart ailments.

3. Stomach Problems

NCBI research confirms that having an excessive intake of coffee can also result to stomach issues. The acidity of coffee increases irritation on inner stomach surface when consumed in large quantities leading to heartburn, acid reflux as well as other digestion related conditions. In case you already experience stomach problems then they may escalate simply by just drinking coffee.

4. Dehydration

Coffee is a diuretic. In other words, it causes you to urinate more often. If you are already dehydrated, this can make things worse. Loss of body fluids that occur due to dehydration leads to poor health effects such as tiredness, headache or dizziness.

5. Anxiety and Jitteriness

Overconsumption of caffeine can also spark anxiety and jitteriness. One notable one is that caffeine excites the nervous system in a way that forces your body to supply it with adrenaline. In the end, this might make one feel nervous, shaky and fidgety. People with anxiety or panic disorders will worsen their symptoms by over-consumption of coffee.

6. Addiction

Drinking an excess of coffee may lead to addiction while caffeine is a compound substance. When one consumes caffeine in large quantities, his/her body may develop dependence upon it thereby making it difficult for him/her to stop using it without experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, tiredness or mood swings.

Best Healthy Alternatives to Coffee

Looking for healthy alternatives to coffee that can provide a similar energy boost without potential side effects? If that’s you, here are some best alternatives:

  • Green Tea: Most people prefer green tea to coffee because it has less caffeine. It has an antioxidant and an amino acid that can help in relaxation and enhancing focus without experiencing the side effects of coffee which include the shakiness of hands.
  • Herbal Tea: Soothing as well as caffeine-free choices that herbal teas like chamomile, peppermint, gingers which have many flavor options and may help with health problems for example indigestion or reduction of anxiety levels.
  • Matcha: Matcha is a powder form of green tea that contains more antioxidants and caffeine compared to regular tea. Instead of bringing the often experienced crash like caffeine from coffee, it has a long-term energy lift.
  • Golden Milk: Ginger, cinnamon and other spices are mixed with milk, either dairy or plant-based, to make golden milk, also known as turmeric latte. It provides anti-inflammatory effects and has a taste that is both pleasurable and gentle to one’s sense.
  • Mushroom Coffee: Mushroom coffee usually blends together medicinal mushrooms, for example, Lion’s Mane, or Cordyceps, and coffee beans, which gives it a smoother impact of caffeine as well as possible cognitive and immune boosting properties.
  • Fresh Fruit or Vegetable Juice: Fresh fruit or vegetable juices instead of coffee can be refreshing and nutritious. They give you water, vitamins and natural sugars that may gently boost energy.
  • Water: Sometimes, you can re-energize with a simple glass of water. Keeping your energy at an optimal level the whole day and every day requires drinking water helps maintain needed energy throughout all times.

Remember, everybody has different tastes, so it is important that you pay attention to what your system tells you and go for options that suit you better. Make sure there are no adverse reactions by the use of various means to obtain the needed increase in vitality.

Final Words

Coffee is a good way to kick start your day. Therefore take it with moderation. Your health might be hampered by taking too much coffee due to various reasons such as lack of sleep or feeling jittery all over one’s body because of increased heartbeats, insomnia etc.

If you love coffee, then make it not more than two cups per day and remember to take enough water so as to stay hydrated thus enjoying its advantages free from side effects.

[Please note: The above is generic advice, and it’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have underlying health conditions.]

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