Losing belly fat can be tough and difficult for many people. But using an exercise ball during your workouts can help you lose belly fat.

Exercise balls, also known as stability balls, provide an interesting and flexible way to focus on your core muscle groups and involve the entire body. In this post, we have explained 5 effective ways to use an exercise ball that will help you get rid of unwanted belly bloat and get stronger abs.

5 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat With an Exercise Ball

1. Stability Ball Crunches

Stability Ball Crunches
Image Credit: Freepik

One way to develop abdominal muscles and get rid of belly fat is to use stability ball crunches. To do this, one should lie on the ball with the back facing down and the feet resting on the floor. Place the hands behind the head or across the chest.

Then contract your abdominal muscles as you slowly lift your upper body off the ball. Stay in that position for a while before slowly going down again. A person can increase the difficulty over time by doing 15-20 repetitions per set to build strength by building endurance.

2. Planks on the Exercise Ball

Planks on the Exercise Ball
Image Credit: Freepik

Planks work great for building stronger core muscles and getting that nice shape on your abs. To increase the difficulty level while engaging other muscle groups, you should consider trying them on an exercise ball. This involves placing your forearms onto the top of the ball and then forming a straight line with your whole body while stretching both legs backwards.

To do planks on an exercise ball: After placing your forearms onto the top part of the ball, stretch legs behind you so that everything from head through heels form one long line or plank like shape.

Maintain balance by squeezing core muscles while keeping everything else stable with no movement including lowering hips excessively because this could lead them sagging. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds and keep your back straight while squeezing your core muscles.

3. Russian Twists

Russian Twists with exercise ball
Image Credit: Freepik

Russian twists can help develop the oblique muscles and eliminate side fats. You should sit on a stability ball, place your feet on the floor, lean back a bit while maintaining good posture, and twist your torso left or right with your hands clasped together in front near your chest to complete this workout.

Do this 15-20 times on each side, and you can make it harder by holding onto a weight or medicine ball while you twist.

4. Leg Raises

Leg Raises with an exercise ball
Image Credit: Freepik

The lower abdomen muscles can be hit by performing leg elevations and at the same time fortify the core. Take the position of lying on your back and have an exercise ball between your feet. By tightening your abs and lifting your legs, raise the ball until you are able to do it.

As you move, lower the ball gradually ensuring that you are in control all through. When building up your strength, aim at doing 12-15 reps at first and then increase gradually.

5. Bridge on the Exercise Ball

Bridge on the Exercise Ball
Image Credit: Freepik

Targeting the glutes and lower back while engaging the core can be effectively done by using bridges. An exercise ball should have its upper back and shoulders placed on it, and legs must be on the floor with the knees bent throughout the process. Change such that your hips are off the ground and create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

In this posture, hold for 20-30 seconds making sure that your core engages while glutes contract. Again, this enhances burstiness in your process. Gradually increase the duration and challenge yourself with single leg bridges or adding resistance bands.

Final Words

If you want to lose belly fat and get a toned stomach, using an exercise ball can help a lot. You can do exercises like stability ball crunches, planks, Russian twists, leg raises, and bridges to work on the muscles in your stomach and reduce belly fat.

Start slowly, make sure you do the exercises correctly, and gradually make them harder as you get better. If you also eat healthy food and exercise regularly, you’ll get the best results. You can say goodbye to belly fat and have a stronger, more defined stomach!

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